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update: 2024/6/7
更新日期: 2024/6/7
origin: 2010/12/27

歐巴馬將為UFO揭秘! (網友 確認一下?)

據All News Web 報道,All News Web 通過白宫内部人士獲得消息,美國總统奥巴馬將部分承認UFO造訪和外星人接觸事件,而且DARPA(國防部高级研究計劃局)對此也一路開綠燈。據悉此次宣告可能是對全面揭示UFO和外星人做“熱身”。 #p1 Barack Obama to make UFO announcement in coming weeks Michael Cohen All News Web has received information from government insiders close to the US President that Barack Obama has been given the go ahead to make an important 'off ther cuff' announcement regarding UFO visits and US contact with aliens. Allegedly DARPA has given this move the green light. The comments by the President will be made within the next month. Our sources claim this will not be outright admittance of UFO visits and contact with aliens, however the comments will come as close to admittance as any President has to date and will be made in the context of a speech on an entirely different matter. From what we understand The President will concede that there is 'some evidence' to suggest aliens might have attempted to contact Earthlings. All of this is said to be part of a warm up program leading to eventual outright admittance of knowledge of UFO and alien visitation by major world governments within three years.